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Marcella is a multidisciplinary artist. Her first training was as a dancer and choreographer.  She also started her formal studies in painting and, years later, in video art (at EAV - Parque Lage, RJ, Brazil). She graduated in visual communication specializing in audiovisual and experience projects (at PUC- Rio University)  and then she did a post-graduation in Video Dance - Movement's Aesthetics (at Angel Vianna School)Since that time, she has made professional improvement in immersive and interactive audiovisual technologies (SAT-Montreal, MUTEK, Centre NAD, Derivative Summit) as well as in contemporary dance, performance/improvisation, both in Brazil and Canada.


​Marcella França pursues the poetic rapture in the relation between the Water element and existential human issues. Through her research in science and philosophy, the artist explores the physical-chemical aspects of Water, such as fluidity, volatility, materiality, and immateriality, correlating them with intangible concepts such as impermanence, the becoming, and memory, passing through relationships between movement, feminine, and life.


Marcella gives visibility to those subjects through the hybridism of her artworks, which mix interactive audiovisual technologies, as extended realities (XR, VR, and movement sensors) with videos, performances, and sculptural/immersive installations.

It was an honor to speak about how Hélio Oiticica's artwork inspired my multimedia art. (Upcoming English version).

​Vídeo depoimento dado para o projeto "Arte Em Casa" do CMA Hélio Oiticica sobre a minha trajetória profissional e a inspiração com os hibridismo do artista e performer Hélio Oiticica em Agosto de 2020.




Entrevista dada à Gabriela para o catálogo da exposição "Mais Performance, 2019, sob orientação

da curadora Caroline Meneses.


(English version inside on the left) 



- Winner of Conexão Cultura Brasil Intercâmbios. Ministry of Culture. Creative Economy Federal Secretariat. Brasil / Canada, February 2015

The prize gave financial support for the artistic residence at Shared Reality Lab, a laboratory in the Center for Intelligent Machines department of the McGill University, Montréal, Canada, to develop the interactive part of "Mémoire Liquide" a video installation exhibited during the Montréal en Lumière Festival, Montréal, Canada.


- 1st place in the contest Graphic Design Stamp Commemorative 190 years of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro,1998


- 2nd place in the Young Artist Award in the category of Short Film Video, by the City of Rio de Janeiro,1999


- Honorable Mention Award in the Painting category, by the City of Rio de Janeiro,1999

- Selected to Vide Urbe II festival (video urban projections), 2012


- Selected for Platform Vide Urbe II (video urban projections festival) for Rio+20, 2012


- Selected with 2 videodanças: "Liquid Dance" and "Old Movement" for Dance in Focus, 2009.


- Selected for the Optica Festival 2008 - International Festival of video art in Gijon, Spain. Showing in Paris, Madrid

and Gijon, 2008.


-Awarded by the video dance / mobile "GraffitiDance", Dance in Focus, 2007.




  • "The Face of the Rain" - Fulldome Immersive Performance. Next exhibition SAT Fest 2021.
    Performed and directed by Marcella França.

Created in Création Visuelle Immersive 360° for a public presentation in November 2019 at Société des Arts Technologiques,

Montréal, Canada.


  •  Liquid Soul - Interactive multimedia performance with holographic projections.

Performance created and directed by Marcella França.

Curator by Caroline Meneses.

Commissioned by "Mais Performance International Festival", Rio de Janeiro, 2016 / 2019 Brazil.


  • Memoire Liquide - collaborative and Interactive Video installation, 2015.

Interaction by gesture and public collaboration, sharing them water memories with the artist.

Selected by Montréal en Lumière - Nuit Blanche.

Gallery:  SAT - Société des Arts Technologiques, Montréal Canada.


  • Volatile - Video Installation, 2012. 

Curated by Daniela Labra

Exhibition "O que te Move", Apis Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • Source - Live Collaborative Site Specific, 2012.

Live monumental mapped projection on a water font. The content projected counted with the public that collaborated sharing them water memories with the artist.

Curator: Moyana Mayal. Commissioned by Video Urbe Festival,  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Source:  Site-Specific (urban projection on the lake)

ImaginaRio, EAV, and Praça Paris, 2012

  • “Volatile” – Installation for Tocayo

Galpão Ação e Cidadania. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011

  • Salão Audiovisual do Recôncavo Bahiano, Bahia, Brazil, 2010


  • Coletiva "Parede", Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal, RJ, 2010

  • Selected with 2 videodanças: "Liquid Dance" and "Old Movement"

Dança em Foco, Video Dance International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, BR, 2009.

  • Individual Exhibition “Nós”, in partnership with  com Daniel Biléu

Objeto Encontrado, Gallery, Brasília, Brazil,2009.


  • JANELAS ( WINDOWS): Selected for the Optica Festival 2008

International Festival of video art in Gijon, Spain. Showing in Paris, Madrid, and Gijon, 2008.


  • Graffiti Dance": Awarded by the Video Dance / Mobile Grant

Commissioned  by "Dança em Foco" Video Dance International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, BR, 2007

  • MOLA 2007, Circo Voador, RJ, 2007.


  • Brasileiros (Brazilians, Carmichael Gallery, Los Angeles, EUA, 2007.


  • Draw Drawing – London Bienalle, The Foundry Gallery, Londres, 2006.

  • Preto Ícone Instagram
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